

On Minimum Circular Arrangement

14 years 8 months ago
On Minimum Circular Arrangement
Motivated by a scheduling problem encountered in multicast environments, we study a vertex labelling problem, called Directed Circular Arrangement (DCA), that requires one to find an embedding of a given weighted directed graph into a discrete circle which would minimize the total weighted arc length. Its decision version is already known to be NP-complete when restricted to sparse weighted directed graphs. We prove that the decision version of even un-weighted DCA is NP-complete in case of arbitrary given densities. We also consider complementary version of DCA, called MaxCA. We prove that it is MAX-SNP[π] complete and, therefore, has no PTAS unless P=NP. A similar proof technique shows that DCA is MAX-SNP[π]-hard and hence there is no PTAS for DCA as well. Key words: Computational complexity; hardness of approximation; polynomial time approximation scheme; scheduling; multicast
Murali K. Ganapathy, Sachin Lodha
Added 02 Jul 2010
Updated 02 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Murali K. Ganapathy, Sachin Lodha
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