Efficiently scheduling parallel tasks on to the processors of a shared-memory multiprocessor is critical to achieving high performance. Given perfect information at compile-time, ...
The Irix 6.5 scheduling system provides intrinsic support for batch processing, including support for guaranteed access to resources and policy-based static scheduling. Long range ...
This paper presents an implementation of feedback control strategy on distributed static scheduling. The static schedule is created taking into account the average execution times...
Increase in system level modeling has given rise to a need for efficient functional validation of models above cycle accurate level. This paper presents a technique for comparing...
While fault-tolerance is desirable for grid applications because of the distributed and dynamic nature of grid resources, it has seldom been considered in static scheduling. We pr...
Dataflow descriptions have been used in a wide range of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications, such as multi-media processing, and wireless communications. Among various f...