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Steady state flux balance analysis (FBA) for cellular metabolism is used, e.g., to seek information on the activity of the different pathways under equilibrium conditions, or as a...
As a metabolic network reaches from a state to a steady state, a subset of its fluxes gradually change. The sequence of intermediate states, called the dynamic state, shows the pa...
The steady state of the quasilinear convection-diffusion-reaction equation ut − (D(u) u) + b(u) u + c(u) = 0 (1) is studied. Depending on the ratio between convection and diff...
A mathematical model of microbial growth for limiting nutrients in a fully three dimensional flow reactor which accounts for the colonization of the reactor wall surface by the mic...
Don Jones, Dung Le, Hal Smith, Hristo V. Kojouharo...
In this paper, we advocate the use of reactive robots in industrial process control and production management. It is explained why reactive robots are well-suited to modern industr...
We show how to derive time implicit formulations of relaxation schemes for the Euler equations for real materials in several space dimensions. In the fully time explicit setting, t...
Background: Despite recent algorithmic and conceptual progress, the stoichiometric network analysis of large metabolic models remains a computationally challenging problem. Result...
We give an example of supersonic solutions to a one-dimensional steady state Euler-Poisson system arising in the modeling of plasmas and semiconductors. The existence of the supers...
Jackson networks have been very successful in so many areas in modeling parallel and distributed systems. However, the ability of Jackson networks to predict performance with syste...
Flux coupling analysis is a method to identify blocked and coupled reactions in a metabolic network at steady state. We present a new approach to flux coupling analysis, which uses...