
15 years 11 months ago
C++: A Dialog
"Assuming that you want to learn C++, why should you read this book rather than any of dozens of other introductory C++ books? One difference between this book and other intro...
Steve Heller

16 years 1 months ago
Art of Programming Contest - C Programming Tutorials | Data Structures | Algorithms
"The objective of this edition is not only to assist the contestants during the contest hours but also describing the core subjects of Computer Science such as C Programming, ...
Ahmed Shamsul Arefin

Source Code
16 years 3 months ago
2D-3D Automatic Mesh Generation
NETGEN is an open source automatic mesh generation tool for two and three dimensions. It comes as a stand alone program with graphical user interface, or as a C++ library to be lin...
Joachim Schöberl