In the setting of secure multiparty computation, a set of parties wish to to jointly compute some function of their input (i.e., they wish to securely carry out some distributed t...
We give a 1-pass ~O(m1-2/k )-space algorithm for computing the k-th frequency moment of a data stream for any real k > 2. Together with the lower bounds of [1, 2, 4], this reso...
Assume that Alice and Bob, given an authentic channel, have a protocol where they end up with a bit SA and SB, respectively, such that with probability 1+ 2 these bits are equal. ...
Computing the unit group and class group of a number field are two of the main tasks in computational algebraic number theory. Factoring integers reduces to solving Pell's eq...
Set agreement, where processors decisions constitute a set of outputs, is notoriously harder to analyze than consensus where the decisions are restricted to a single output. This ...
We construct an efficient probabilistic algorithm that, given a finite set with a binary operation, tests if it is an abelian group. The distance used is an analogue of the edit d...