We consider the classical problem of scheduling parallel unrelated machines. Each job is to be processed by exactly one machine. Processing job j on machine i requires time pij . ...
We prove that every n-point metric space of negative type (and, in particular, every npoint subset of L1) embeds into a Euclidean space with distortion O( log n ? log log n), a r...
We show that there is no log log M log log log M -approximation for the undirected congestion minimization problem unless NP ZPTIME(npolylog n ), where M is the size of the grap...
We introduce the novel concept of covert two-party computation. Whereas ordinary secure two-party computation only guarantees that no more knowledge is leaked about the inputs of t...
A graph property is called monotone if it is closed under taking (not necessarily induced) subgraphs (or, equivalently, if it is closed under removal of edges and vertices). Many ...
We introduce a new graph parameter, called the Grothendieck constant of a graph G = (V, E), which is defined as the least constant K such that for every A : E R, sup f:V S|V |-1 ...
Noga Alon, Konstantin Makarychev, Yury Makarychev,...
We prove exponential lower bounds for the refutation of a random 3-CNF with linear number of clauses by k-DNF Resolution for k log n/ log log n. For this we design a specially ta...
Understanding the graph structure of the Internet is a crucial step for building accurate network models and designing efficient algorithms for Internet applications. Yet, obtaini...
Dimitris Achlioptas, Aaron Clauset, David Kempe, C...