This paper reviews the model of interactive Markov chains (IMCs, for short), an extension of labelled transition systems with exponentially delayed transitions. We show that IMCs a...
Despite its relatively short history, a wealth of formalisms exist for algebraic specification of stochastic systems. The goal of this paper is to give such formalisms a unifying ...
Hossein Hojjat, Mohammad Reza Mousavi, Marjan Sirj...
This paper surveys the theoretical developments in the field of stochastic process algebras, process algebras where action occurrences may be subject to a delay that is determined...
Passage time densities are useful performance measurements in stochastic systems. With them the modeller can extract probabilistic quality-of-service guarantees such as: the proba...
Jeremy T. Bradley, Stephen T. Gilmore, Nigel Thoma...
This paper demonstrates how three stochastic process algebras can be mapped on to a generally-distributed stochastic transition system. We demonstrate an aggregation technique on ...
d Abstract) Jane Hillston Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland Quantitative Analysis Stochastic process algebras extend classical p...
In the 1980s process algebras became widely accepted formalisms for describing and analysing concurrency. Extensions of the formalisms, incorporating some aspects of systems which...
Abstract. We compare several languages for specifying Markovian population models such as queuing networks and chemical reaction networks. These languages —matrix descriptions, s...
Thomas A. Henzinger, Barbara Jobstmann, Verena Wol...