
98views more  BMCBI 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
The Secrets of a Functional Synapse - From a Computational and Experimental Viewpoint
Background: Neuronal communication is tightly regulated in time and in space. The neuronal transmission takes place in the nerve terminal, at a specialized structure called the sy...
Michal Linial
14 years 4 months ago
A Summating, Exponentially-Decaying CMOS Synapse for Spiking Neural Systems
Synapses are a critical element of biologically-realistic, spike-based neural computation, serving the role of communication, computation, and modification. Many different circui...
Rock Z. Shi, Timothy K. Horiuchi
14 years 4 months ago
Learning Spike-Based Correlations and Conditional Probabilities in Silicon
We have designed and fabricated a VLSI synapse that can learn a conditional probability or correlation between spike-based inputs and feedback signals. The synapse is low power, c...
Aaron P. Shon, David Hsu, Chris Diorio
14 years 5 months ago
Synapse: A Scalable Protocol for Interconnecting Heterogeneous Overlay Networks
This paper presents Synapse, a scalable protocol for information retrieval over the inter-connection of heterogeneous overlay networks. Applications on top of Synapse see those int...
Luigi Liquori, Cédric Tedeschi, Laurent Van...
14 years 10 months ago
SYNAPSE: A Network Reprogramming Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Fountain Codes
—Wireless reprogramming is a key functionality in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). In fact, the requirements for the network may change in time, or new parameters might have to b...
Michele Rossi, Giovanni Zanca, Luca Stabellini, Ri...