This paper explores optimization techniques of the synchronization mechanisms for MPSoCs based on complex interconnect (Network-on-Chip), targeted at future powerefficient system...
In traditional parallel co-simulation approaches, the simulation speed is heavily limited by time synchronization overhead between simulators and idle time caused by data dependen...
In this paper we describe RDFSync, a methodology for efficient synchronization and merging of RDF models. RDFSync is based on decomposing a model into Minimum Self-Contained graphs...
Giovanni Tummarello, Christian Morbidoni, Reto Bac...
Abstract. It has been already verified that hardware-supported finegrain synchronization provides a significant performance improvement over coarse-grained synchronization mecha...
Vladimir Vlassov, Oscar Sierra Merino, Csaba Andra...
— Timing synchronization is a preeminent challenge in ultra-wideband impulse radios (UWB-IRs). The conventional all-digital synchronization methods encounter some formidable impl...
Abstract—Symbol synchronization in traditional hardwaredriven communication systems has relied on the transmission of training sequences of symbols just before the beginning of t...
Raja Jurdak, Antonio G. Ruzzelli, Gregory M. P. O'...
— The synchronization of image sequences acquired by robots swarms is an essential task for localization operations. We address this problem by considering the swarms as dynamic ...
— Complex networks have attracted much attention from various fields of sciences and engineering over the last ten years. To reveal the dynamical mechanism of synchronization in...
In this paper we present a framework for a distributed and very low-cost implementation of synchronization controllers and protocols for embedded multiprocessors. The proposed arc...
Abstract— We consider the synchronization problem of an arbitrary number of coupled nonlinear oscillators with delays in the interconnections. The emphasis is on coupled Lorenz s...