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Abstract. We consider the use of Jacobian coordinates for Tate pairing over general characteristics. The idea of encapsulated double-andline computation and add-and-line computatio...
We propose an improved implementation of modified Weil pairings. By reduction of operations in the extension field to those in the base field, we can save some operations in the...
The Weil and Tate pairings have been used recently to build new schemes in cryptography. It is known that the Weil pairing takes longer than twice the running time of the Tate pair...
In recent years cryptographic protocols based on the Weil and Tate pairings on elliptic curves have attracted much attention. A notable success in this area was the elegant solutio...
Recently, the interest about the Tate pairing over binary fields has decreased due to the existence of efficient attacks to the discrete logarithm problem in the subgroups of su...
We derive a new algorithm for computing the Tate pairing on an elliptic curve over a finite field. The algorithm uses a generalisation of elliptic divisibility sequences known as...
The Ate pairing and the twisted Ate pairing for ordinary elliptic curves which are generalizations of the ηT pairing for supersingular curves have previously been proposed. It is ...
This paper describes the design of a fast multi-core library for the cryptographic Tate pairing over supersingular elliptic curves. For the computation of the reduced modified Tat...