We present an approach to monitoring system policies. As a specification language, we use an expressive fragment of a temporal logic, which can be effectively monitored. We repor...
We re-examine vacuity in temporal logic model checking. We note two disturbing phenomena in recent results in this area. The first indicates that not all vacuities detected in prac...
Despite the abundance of analysis techniques to discover control-flow errors in workflow designs, there is hardly any support for w verification. Most techniques simply abstract fr...
Nikola Trcka, Wil M. P. van der Aalst, Natalia Sid...
We present specification languages that naturally capture exactly the regular and -regular properties that are stutter invariant. Our specification languages are variants of the cl...
In this paper we further develop the methodology of temporal logic as an executable imperative language, presented by Moszkowski [Mos86] and Gabbay [Gab87, Gab89] and present a con...
Howard Barringer, Michael Fisher, Dov M. Gabbay, G...
We describe some of the techniques which have been used to implement METATEM, a programming language based on temporal logic, and address problems such as non-determinism and loopi...
This paper presents a complete axiomatization of two decidable propositional realtime linear temporal logics: Event Clock Logic (EventClockTL) and Metric Interval Temporal Logic w...
In order to check whether an open system satisfies a desired property, we need to check the behavior of the system with respect to an arbitrary environment. In the most general se...
Domain-specific control information is often essential in solving difficult planning problems efficiently. Temporal logics are a declarative and expressive representation for su...
Mocha is a model checker based on the theme of exploiting design modularity: instead of manipulating unstructured state-transition graphs, it supports the hierarchical modeling fra...
Rajeev Alur, Luca de Alfaro, Radu Grosu, Thomas A....