In planning as well as in other areas, temporal logic has been used to specify so-called temporally extended goals. Temporally extended goals refer to desirable sequences of state...
Koen V. Hindriks, Wiebe van der Hoek, M. Birna van...
Alternating-time temporal logic (atl) is one of the most influential logics for reasoning about agents’ abilities. Constructive Strategic Logic (csl) is a variant of atl for im...
The continuous minituarization of integrated circuits may reach atomic scales in a couple of decades. Some researchers have already built simple computation engines by manipulatin...
Protocol conversion involves the use of a converter to control communication between two or more protocols such that desired system-level specifications can be satisfied. We invest...
Model checking techniques have traditionally dealt with temporal logic languages and automata interpreted over -words, i.e., infinite in the future but finite in the past. However...
Matteo Pradella, Angelo Morzenti, Pierluigi San Pi...