
Tsinghua U.
14 years 2 months ago
A heterogeneously segmented cache architecture for a packet forwarding engine
As network traffic continues to increase and with the requirement to process packets at line rates, high performance routers need to forward millions of packets every second. Eve...
Kaushik Rajan, Ramaswamy Govindarajan
Tsinghua U.
14 years 2 months ago
The implications of working set analysis on supercomputing memory hierarchy design
Supercomputer architects strive to maximize the performance of scientific applications. Unfortunately, the large, unwieldy nature of most scientific applications has lead to the...
Richard C. Murphy, Arun Rodrigues, Peter M. Kogge,...
Tsinghua U.
14 years 2 months ago
Power-aware resource allocation in high-end systems via online simulation
Traditionally, scheduling in high-end parallel systems focuses on how to minimize the average job waiting time and on how to maximize the overall system utilization. Despite the d...
Barry Lawson, Evgenia Smirni
Tsinghua U.
14 years 2 months ago
A NUCA substrate for flexible CMP cache sharing
We propose an organization for the on-chip memory system of a chip multiprocessor, in which 16 processors share a 16MB pool of 256 L2 cache banks. The L2 cache is organized as a n...
Jaehyuk Huh, Changkyu Kim, Hazim Shafi, Lixin Zhan...
Tsinghua U.
14 years 2 months ago
An asymmetric clustered processor based on value content
Rubén González, Adrián Crista...
Tsinghua U.
14 years 2 months ago
Cache oblivious stencil computations
We present a cache oblivious algorithm for stencil computations, which arise for example in finite-difference methods. Our algorithm applies to arbitrary stencils in n-dimension...
Matteo Frigo, Volker Strumpen
Tsinghua U.
14 years 2 months ago
A performance-conserving approach for reducing peak power consumption in server systems
The combination of increasing component power consumption, a desire for denser systems, and the required performance growth in the face of technology-scaling issues are posing eno...
Wesley M. Felter, Karthick Rajamani, Tom W. Keller...
Tsinghua U.
14 years 2 months ago
Automatic generation and tuning of MPI collective communication routines
In order for collective communication routines to achieve high performance on different platforms, they must be able to adapt to the system architecture and use different algori...
Ahmad Faraj, Xin Yuan
Tsinghua U.
14 years 2 months ago
Automatic thread distribution for nested parallelism in OpenMP
Alejandro Duran, Marc González, Julita Corb...
Tsinghua U.
14 years 2 months ago
TAPE: a transactional application profiling environment
Hassan Chafi, Chi Cao Minh, Austen McDonald, Brian...