Time series are an important type of data with applications in virtually every aspect of the real world. Often a large number of time series have to be monitored and analyzed in p...
Ming C. Hao, Umeshwar Dayal, Daniel A. Keim, Tobia...
We consider the problem of elastic matching of time series. We propose an algorithm that determines a subsequence of a target time series that best matches a query series. In the ...
Longin Jan Latecki, Vasileios Megalooikonomou, Qia...
In this work, we introduce the new problem of finding time series discords. Time series discords are subsequences of a longer time series that are maximally different to all the r...
The increasing interest in time series data mining has had surprisingly little impact on real world medical applications. Practitioners who work with time series on a daily basis ...
Li Wei, Nitin Kumar, Venkata Nishanth Lolla, Eamon...
In this work we introduce the new problem of finding time series discords. Time series discords are subsequences of longer time series that are maximally different to all the rest...
Jessica Lin, Eamonn J. Keogh, Ada Wai-Chee Fu, Hel...
The issue of data mining in time series databases is of utmost importance for many practical applications and has attracted a lot of research in the past years. In this paper, we ...
Many previous works of data mining user queries in Peer-to-Peer systems focused their attention on the distribution of query contents. However, few has been done towards a better ...
Classification problems with functionally structured input variables arise naturally in many applications. In a clinical domain, for example, input variables could include a time...
— A novel black-box model for time series of prices analysis is proposed. It is constructed using the technique of “shaping filter”. The model identification is then propos...
Shape averaging or signal averaging of time series data is one of the prevalent subroutines in data mining tasks, where Dynamic Time Warping distance measure (DTW) is known to work...