e type system for the lmdElulus enrihed with reurE sive nd oreursive funtions over equiEindutive nd Eoindutive types is presented in whih ll wel...
The lambda-Pi-calculus allows to express proofs of minimal predicate logic. It can be extended, in a very simple way, by adding computation rules. This leads to the lambda-Pi-calcu...
We present a size-aware type system for first-order shapely function definitions. Here, a function definition is called shapely when the size of the result is determined exactly...
Olha Shkaravska, Ron van Kesteren, Marko C. J. D. ...
Abstract. The intuitionistic fragment of the call-by-name version of Curien and Herbelin’s λµ˜µ-calculus is isolated and proved strongly normalising by means of an embedding ...
Abstract. In 1994 Herbelin started and partially achieved the programme of showing that, for intuitionistic implicational logic, there is a Curry-Howard interpretation of sequent c...