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The nominal approach to abstract syntax deals with the issues of bound names and α-equivalence by considering constructions and properties that are invariant with respect to permu...
Using the HOL theorem prover, we proved the correctness of a translation from a subset of Accellera’s property specification language PSL to linear temporal logic LTL. Moreover,...
We discuss methods for dealing effectively with let-bindings in proofs. Our contribution is a small set of unconditional rewrite rules, found by the bracket abstraction translatio...
Abstract. Denotational semantics for a substantial fragment of Java is formalized by deep embedding in PVS, making extensive use of dependent types. A static analyzer for secure in...
Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to conveniently use ordinary real number expressions within proof assistants? In this paper we outline how this can be done within a theorem provin...
The quotient operation is a standard feature of set theory, where a set is partitioned into subsets by an equivalence relation. We reinterpret this idea for higher order logic, whe...