Background: Cell specific gene expression is largely regulated by different combinations of transcription factors that bind cis-elements in the upstream promoter sequence. However...
Charles G. Danko, Vera A. McIlvain, Maochun Qin, B...
Background: It is becoming increasingly important for researchers to be able to scan through large genomic regions for transcription factor binding sites or clusters of binding si...
Dustin E. Schones, Andrew D. Smith, Michael Q. Zha...
Background: Cis-acting transcriptional regulatory elements in mammalian genomes typically contain specific combinations of binding sites for various transcription factors. Althoug...
Xochitl C. Morgan, Shulin Ni, Daniel P. Miranker, ...
Background: Event sequences where different types of events often occur close together arise, e.g., when studying potential transcription factor binding sites (TFBS, events) of ce...
Background: Knowledge of transcription factor-DNA binding patterns is crucial for understanding gene transcription. Numerous DNA-binding proteins are annotated as transcription fa...
Denitsa Alamanova, Philip Stegmaier, Alexander E. ...
Background: One of the challenges of bioinformatics remains the recognition of short signal sequences in genomic DNA such as donor or acceptor splice sites, splicing enhancers or ...
Jens Keilwagen, Jan Grau, Stefan Posch, Ivo Grosse
Background: The recognition of functional binding sites in genomic DNA remains one of the fundamental challenges of genome research. During the last decades, a plethora of differe...
Jens Keilwagen, Jan Grau, Stefan Posch, Marc Stric...
Background: Transcriptional gene regulation is one of the most important mechanisms in controlling many essential cellular processes, including cell development, cell-cycle contro...
Marc Bailly-Bechet, Alfredo Braunstein, Andrea Pag...
Genomic transcriptional processes rely heavily on the combinatorial binding of transcription factors on the upstream regions of genes. Analysis and complete characterization of su...
Abha Singh Bais, Steffen Grossmann, Martin Vingron
: Functionally related genes involved in the same molecular-genetic, biochemical, or physiological process are often regulated coordinately Such regulation is provided by precisely...
Alexander E. Kel, Tatiana Konovalova, Tagir Valeev...