
82views more  IWC 2006»
14 years 18 days ago
Usability professionals - current practices and future development
The usability concept has now received such a wide recognition in information technology (IT) development that working with usability can be regarded as a profession in its own ri...
Jan Gulliksen, Inger Boivie, Bengt Göransson
84views Management» more  EPK 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
Using BPEL Processes defined by Event-driven Process Chains
Abstract: The paper discusses the usability concept of workflow services for eventdriven process chains. Usability is similar to controllability, known from Workflow net based BPEL...
Carlo Simon, Jörn Freiheit, Sebastian Olbrich
14 years 2 months ago
Usability, from a Bigger Picture
This paper presents the strategy of Mercedes Sanchez Usabilidade, a Brazilian consultancy firm, to spread the usability concept among consumers and companies in a way that no other...
Mercedes Sanchez, José Luis Adán Gil