Most adaptive hypermedia systems used in education implement a single user model – inevitably originally designed for a specific set of circumstances. In this paper we describe ...
Mohamed Ramzy Zakaria, Adam Moore, Craig D. Stewar...
Inference and decision making with probabilistic user models may be infeasible on portable devices such as cell phones. We highlight the opportunity for storing and using precomput...
Eric Horvitz, Paul Koch, Raman Sarin, Johnson Apac...
: A distributed service to model and control contextual information in mobile and ubiquitous computing environments is presented in this paper. We introduce the general user model ...
In order to efficiently manage and use of the information on the Web it becomes crucial to provide personalization not only within single systems, but across various web applicati...
User models can be useful for improving dialogue management. In this paper we analyze human-robot dialogues that occur during uncontrolled interactions and estimate relations betw...