Currently, state of the art virtual agents lack the ability to display emotion as seen in actual humans, or even in hand-animated characters. One reason for the emotional inexpres...
Recent research has shown that virtual agents expressing empathic emotions toward users have the potentiality to enhance human-machine interaction. To identify under which circums...
The shadow agent is a new type of intelligent virtual agent exploiting the metaphor of the shadow as a medium. The core of the shadow agent is a behavioral architecture inspired b...
Philippe Pasquier, Eunjung Han, Kirak Kim, Keechul...
This paper presents an architecture for an intelligent virtual agent that imitates human drumming behaviour. Through imitation, the agent models the user-specific variations that ...
This paper presents an agent community based peer-to-peer information retrieval method called ACP2P method[16] and discusses the experimental results of the method. The ACP2P metho...
This paper proposes an agent community based information retrieval method, which uses agent communities to manage and look up information related to users. An agent works as a dele...
We describe the design and evaluation of a virtual agent that explains health documents to patients. The prevalence and impact of low health literacy is presented as a motivation f...
Timothy W. Bickmore, Laura M. Pfeifer, Michael K. ...
— Current work is described wherein simplified versions of the Novamente Cognition Engine (NCE) are being used to control virtual agents in virtual worlds such as game engines an...
Abstract. How do we construct credible personalities? The current SAL (Sensitive Artificial Listeners) characters were constructed intuitively and can be unconvincing. In addressin...
Margaret McRorie, Ian Sneddon, Etienne de Sevin, E...
This paper describes the design and implementation of a virtual agent that is capable of providing customers in a 3D online shop with advice. Based on a product knowledge base, a c...