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Visual information retrieval (VIR) is a research area with more than 300 scientific publications every year. Technological progress lets surveys become out of date within a short ...
Medical visual information retrieval has been a very active research area over the past ten years as an increasing amount of images is produced digitally and made available in the ...
ImageCLEFphoto 2008 is an ad-hoc photo retrieval task and part of the ImageCLEF evaluation campaign. This task provides both the resources and the framework necessary to perform c...
Thomas Arni, Paul Clough, Mark Sanderson, Michael ...
We present a new visualization approach for metadata combining different visualizations into a so-called SuperTable accompanied by a Scatterplot. The goal is to improve user exper...
In visual information retrieval the careful choice of suitable proximity measures is a crucial success factor. The evaluation presented in this paper aims at showing that the dist...