
162views more  TOG 2002»
14 years 16 days ago
Animation and rendering of complex water surfaces
We present a new method for the animation and rendering of photorealistic water effects. Our method is designed to produce visually plausible three dimensional effects, for exampl...
Douglas Enright, Stephen R. Marschner, Ronald Fedk...
87views more  JVCA 2006»
14 years 26 days ago
Tour into the picture with water surface reflection and object movements
Given a still picture, tour into the picture (TIP) generates a walk-through animation of a 3D scene constructed from the picture. In this paper, we generalize TIP to deal with wat...
Jinho Park, Nambin Heo, Sunghee Choi, Sung Yong Sh...
144views Visualization» more  VMV 2001»
14 years 2 months ago
Towards Real-Time Visual Simulation of Water Surfaces
In this paper we demonstrate the benefits of the most current nVidia graphics chip set for realistic simulation and rendering of dynamic water surfaces in real-time. In particular...
Jens Schneider, Rüdiger Westermann