
198views more  TKDE 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Web People Search via Connection Analysis
Nowadays, searches for the web pages of a person with a given name constitute a notable fraction of queries to Web search engines. Such a query would normally return web pages rela...
Dmitri V. Kalashnikov, Zhaoqi Chen, Sharad Mehrotr...
191views more  TKDE 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Beyond Single-Page Web Search Results
Given a user keyword query, current Web search engines return a list of individual Web pages ranked by their "goodness" with respect to the query. Thus, the basic unit fo...
Ramakrishna Varadarajan, Vagelis Hristidis, Tao Li
120views more  INTR 2007»
14 years 3 months ago
Analysing Google rankings through search engine optimization data
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify the most popular techniques used to rank a web page highly in Google. Design/methodology/approach – The paper presents the r...
Michael P. Evans
182views more  INTERNET 2007»
14 years 3 months ago
Analysis of Caching and Replication Strategies for Web Applications
Replication and caching mechanisms are often employed to enhance the performance of Web applications. In this article, we present a qualitative and quantitative analysis of state-...
Swaminathan Sivasubramanian, Guillaume Pierre, Maa...
14 years 3 months ago
SpotSigs: robust and efficient near duplicate detection in large web collections
Motivated by our work with political scientists who need to manually analyze large Web archives of news sites, we present SpotSigs, a new algorithm for extracting and matching sig...
Martin Theobald, Jonathan Siddharth, Andreas Paepc...
186views more  MTA 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Tactile web browsing for blind people
Information on the World Wide Web becomes more and more important for our society. For blind people this is a chance to access more information for their everyday life. In this pap...
Martin Rotard, Christiane Taras, Thomas Ertl
69views more  JSS 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
Semantic prefetching objects of slower web site pages
The structure of most web sites consists of a composition of web pages that require varying amounts of time to render. Typically, web pages with large amount content (text/images/...
Alexander P. Pons
130views more  JUCS 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
"Fine Tuning" Image Accessibility for Museum Web Sites
: Accessibility and usability guidelines are available to design web sites accessible to blind users. However, the actual usability of accessible web pages varies depending on the ...
Barbara Leporini, Ivan Norscia
146views more  IPM 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
Dictionary-based text categorization of chemical web pages
A new dictionary-based text categorization approach is proposed to classify the chemical web pages efficiently. Using a chemistry dictionary, the approach can extract chemistry-re...
Chunyan Liang, Li Guo, Zhaojie Xia, Feng-Guang Nie...
96views more  JCIT 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
An Intelligent Model and Its Implementation of Search Engine
Intelligence of humankind mostly includes five parts: the observing ability, the memory ability, the practice ability, the thought ability, the imagining ability, etc.. In this pa...
Yajun Du, Haiming Li