Learning in hyperspace provided by Web contents requires learners not only to navigate the Web pages to construct their own knowledge from the contents learned at and between the ...
MIDAS is a model-driven methodology for Web Information Systems development based on the OMG's Model Driven Architecture. It proposes to use UML to describe different views o...
Due to the historical and cultural reasons, English phases, especially the proper nouns and new words, frequently appear in Web pages written primarily in Asian languages such as ...
We propose a collaborative framework for collecting Thai unknown words found on Web pages over the Internet. Our main goal is to design and construct a Webbased system which allow...
The Web has become the largest information repository over the world. Therefore, effectively and efficiently searching the Web becomes a key challenge. Previous research on Web se...
Tables on web pages contain a huge amount of semantically explicit information, which makes them a worthwhile target for automatic information extraction and knowledge acquisition...
A Web-based business always wants to have the ability to track users’ browsing behavior history. This ability can be achieved by using Web log mining technologies. In this paper...
PageRank is a way to rank Web pages taking into account hyper-link structure of the Web. PageRank provides efficient and simple method to find out ranking of Web pages exploiting ...
Web search is a challenging task. Previous research mainly exploits texts on the Web pages or link information between the pages, while multimedia information is largely ignored. ...
Originally conceived as a "naive" baseline experiment using traditional n-gram language models as classifiers, the NCLEANER system has turned out to be a fast and lightw...