For a 3-colourable graph G, the 3-colour graph of G, denoted C3(G), is the graph with node set the proper vertex 3-colourings of G, and two nodes adjacent whenever the correspondi...
Luis Cereceda, Jan van den Heuvel, Matthew Johnson
Modularity is a recently introduced quality measure for graph clusterings. It has immediately received considerable attention in several disciplines, and in particular in the compl...
Ulrik Brandes, Daniel Delling, Marco Gaertler, Rob...
The pathwidth of a graph G is the minimum clique number of H minus one, over all interval supergraphs H of G. Although pathwidth is a well-known and well-studied graph parameter, t...
Abstract. We present hardness results, approximation heuristics, and exact algorithms for bottleneck labeled optimization problems arising in the context of graph theory. This long...
Cographs are those graphs without induced path on four vertices. A graph G is a probe cograph if its vertex set can be partitioned into two sets, N (non-probes) and P (probes) wher...