Whenever XML data must be shared by heterogeneous applications, transformations between different applicationspecific XML formats are necessary. The state-of-the-art method transf...
Storage techniques and queries over XML databases are being widely studied. Most works store XML documents in traditional DBMSs in order to take advantage of a well established te...
The advent of e-commerce has created a trend that brought thousands of catalogs online. Most of these websites are “taxonomy-directed”. A Web site is said to be ``taxonomydire...
Ontologies play an important role in the Semantic Web. Currently, several Web ontology languages have been proposed and there has been a substantial effort towards the formalizat...
In this paper we describe a prototype system for information retrieval on the Internet. Our idea is that the Web has to be searched both semantically and syntactically. In order t...
Carmine Cesarano, Antonio d'Acierno, Antonio Picar...
A growing number of databases especially those published on the Web are becoming available to external users. Users of these databases are provided simple form-based query interfa...
Extracting data from Web pages using wrappers is a fundamental problem arising in a large variety of applications of vast practical interests. There are two main issues relevant t...
At the present time, several shortcomings prevent the more effective use and more intense application of web information systems. Recent developments that are subsumed by the term...