

XVerter: querying XML data with OR-DBMS

14 years 7 months ago
XVerter: querying XML data with OR-DBMS
Storage techniques and queries over XML databases are being widely studied. Most works store XML documents in traditional DBMSs in order to take advantage of a well established technology and also to store both structured data and XML data within a single system. This work proposes a translation mechanism to execute queries expressed on XQuery on top of XML documents that are stored in an object DBMS using the DOM implementation in disk. Rules for automatic translation from XQuery to SQL3 are presented, where an object-based representation of XML documents is exploited. Categories and Subject Descriptors E.2 [Data Stored Representations] – Object representation. H.2.3 [Database Management]: Languages – query languages. General Terms Management, Languages, and Experimentation. Keywords XML, DOM, object DBMS, XQuery, XSLT, SQL3.
Humberto Vieira, Gabriela Ruberg, Marta Mattoso
Added 05 Jul 2010
Updated 05 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where WIDM
Authors Humberto Vieira, Gabriela Ruberg, Marta Mattoso
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