Clustered microarchitectures are an effective organization to deal with the problem of wire delays and complexity by partitioning some of the processor resources. The organization ...
The ever increasing gap in processor and memory speeds has a very negative impact on performance. One possible solution to overcome this problem is the Kilo-instruction processor. ...
The Opie Project aims to develop a compiler to transform C codes written for row-major matrix representation into equivalent codes for Morton-order matrix representation, and to a...
Current trends suggest that the number of memory chips per processor chip will increase at least a factor of ten in seven years. This will make DRAM cost, the space and the power i...
This paper discusses die cost vs. performance tradeoffs for a PIM system that could serve as the memory system of a host processor. For an increase of less than twice the cost of ...
Jay B. Brockman, Shyamkumar Thoziyoor, Shannon K. ...