
12 years 5 months ago
A Context-sensitive, Multi-faceted Model of Lexico-Conceptual Affect
Since we can ‘spin’ words and concepts to suit our affective needs, context is a major determinant of the perceived affect of a word or concept. We view this re-profiling as a...
Tony Veale
122views Education» more  LREC 2008»
14 years 4 months ago
Estimating Word Phonosemantics
The paper describes a method of word phonosemantics estimation. We treat phonosemantics as a subconscious emotional perception of word sounding independent on the word meaning. Th...
Victoria Bobicev, Tatiana Zidrasco
93views Education» more  LREC 2008»
14 years 4 months ago
Using a Probabilistic Model of Context to Detect Word Obfuscation
This paper proposes a distributional model of word use and word meaning which is derived purely from a body of text, and then applies this model to determine whether certain words...
Sanaz Jabbari, Ben Allison, Louise Guthrie
14 years 7 months ago
Identifying Writers' Background by Comparing Personal Sense Thesauri
Analysis of blogpost writings is an important and growing research area. Both objective and subjective characteristics of a writer are detected. Words have word meaning that is com...
Polina Panicheva, John Cardiff, Paolo Rosso