

Identifying Writers' Background by Comparing Personal Sense Thesauri

14 years 7 months ago
Identifying Writers' Background by Comparing Personal Sense Thesauri
Analysis of blogpost writings is an important and growing research area. Both objective and subjective characteristics of a writer are detected. Words have word meaning that is common in the language and that is represented in their usage. Another component of word meaning, “personal sense”, not inherent in the language, but different for each person, reflects a meaning of words in terms of unique personal experience and carries the personal characteristics. In our research word meaning techniques are applied to represent personal sense of words in texts by different authors. Personalized concept structures are construed and used to infer authors’ perspective from text: various notions of context combined with different thesaurus similarity scales are applied to confirm that from a certain perspective similarity in the personalized thesauri with some restrictions can correspond to similarities in the occupation of the authors.
Polina Panicheva, John Cardiff, Paolo Rosso
Added 13 Aug 2010
Updated 13 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where NLDB
Authors Polina Panicheva, John Cardiff, Paolo Rosso
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