Abstract. We devise a theoretical model for dichotomic search algorithms for constrained optimization. We show that, within our model, a certain way of choosing the breaking point ...
Abstract. In this paper we present OpenTM, a traffic matrix estimation system for OpenFlow networks. OpenTM uses built-in features provided in OpenFlow switches to directly and acc...
We describe an algorithm for enumerating all vertices, edges and faces of a planar subdivision stored in any of the usual pointer-based representations, while using only a constant...
Let p be a rational prime and let Φ(X) be a monic irreducible polynomial in Z[X], with nΦ = deg Φ and δΦ = vp(disc Φ). In [13] Montes describes an algorithm for the decomposi...
We prove (for fixed k) that at least 1 k−1 (n 2 ) − O(n) equality tests and no more than 2 k (n 2 )+O(n) equality tests are needed in the worst case to determine whether a giv...
Gudmund Skovbjerg Frandsen, Peter Bro Miltersen, S...
This paper addresses the problem of finding the worst case end-to-end delay and buffer occupancy bounds in ATM networks with rate-controlled, non-work conserving servers. A theore...
We consider the problem of maintaining a set of n integers in the range 0::2w ? 1 under the operations of insertion, deletion, predecessor queries, minimum queries and maximum quer...
Answer-set programming (ASP) solvers must handle difficult computational problems that are NP-hard. These solvers are in the worst case exponential and their scope of applicabilit...
Raphael A. Finkel, Victor W. Marek, Neil Moore, Mi...
In this paper we extend an earlier worst case bound reliability theory to derive a worst case reliability function R(t), which gives the worst case probability of surviving a furt...
We prove that the lines tangent to four possibly intersecting convex polyhedra in 3 with n edges in total form Θ(n2 ) connected components in the worst case. In the generic ca...