
8 years 11 months ago
Using haptic inputs to enrich story listening for young children
Research on children’s cognitive development has demonstrated the positive effects of listening to stories. However, traditional story listening is losing its appeal to other e...
Siyan Zhao, Jill Fain Lehman, Ali Israr, Roberta L...
8 years 11 months ago
Designing a socially assistive robot for pediatric care
We present the design of the Huggable robot that can playfully interact with children and provide socio-emotional support for them in pediatric care context. Our design takes into...
Sooyeon Jeong, Kristopher Dos Santos, Suzanne Grac...
8 years 11 months ago
Spin: a photography turntable system for creating animated documentation
While project documentation can help young Makers showcase their learning, prototyping skills, and creativity, motivating documentation practices has remained a challenge. Current...
Tiffany Tseng
8 years 11 months ago
Making physical and digital games with e-textiles: a workshop for youth making responsive wearable games and controllers
Most research on game making has been limited to digital games, not including the design of physical peripherals and controllers. In this paper, we illustrate how youth created we...
Gabriela T. Richard, Yasmin B. Kafai
8 years 11 months ago
Crafting technology with circuit stickers
Chibitronics circuit stickers are a new toolkit for crafting with electronics. Circuit stickers are modular, flexible circuit components with conductive adhesive pads. They feel l...
Jie Qi, Andrew Huang, Joseph A. Paradiso
8 years 11 months ago
MakerShoe: towards a wearable e-textile construction kit to support creativity, playful making, and self-expression
Electronic textile (e-textile) toolkits have been successful in broadening participation in STEAM-related activities, in expanding perceptions of computing, and in engaging users ...
Majeed Kazemitabaar, Leyla Norooz, Mona Leigh Guha...
8 years 11 months ago
LevelSpaceGUI: scaffolding novice modelers' inter-model explorations
We present an interface for programming relationships between two or more NetLogo [18] models running concurrently. The interface is designed specifically to help high school aged...
Arthur Hjorth, Bryan Head, Corey E. Brady, Uri Wil...