
169shafferVirginia TechProfessormore from shaffer1
170andrea.fossatiComputer Vision Laboratory, ETHZPostdoctoralmore from andrea.fossati1
171amelio_v_rStudent, PhDmore from amelio_v_r1
172porikliMERLResearch Scientist, Managermore from porikli1
173houseBoston U.Studentmore from house1
174luzhengNational U. of SingaporeStudent, PhDmore from luzheng1
175SmalltalkU. of SzegedStudent, Mscmore from Smalltalk1
176chenghongCarnegie Mellon U.Postdoctoralmore from chenghong1
177mozuysalEPFLStudent, PhDmore from mozuysal1
178haykoETH ZurichPostdoctoralmore from hayko1
179pturagaUMDResearch Scientist, PhDmore from pturaga1
180Hae Jong SeoU. of California, Santa CruzStudent, PhDmore from Hae Jong Seo1