
181EssaSaint Mary U. of MinnesotaEngineermore from Essa1
182fahadComputer vision center Research Scientist, PhDmore from fahad1
183nathanjacobsWashington U., St. Louis, MOStudent, PhDmore from nathanjacobs1
184jayzhuoNational U. of SingaporeStudent, PhDmore from jayzhuo1
185SmalltalkU. of SzegedStudent, Mscmore from Smalltalk1
186chenghongCarnegie Mellon U.Postdoctoralmore from chenghong1
187mozuysalEPFLStudent, PhDmore from mozuysal1
188haykoETH ZurichPostdoctoralmore from hayko1
189pturagaUMDResearch Scientist, PhDmore from pturaga1
190Hae Jong SeoU. of California, Santa CruzStudent, PhDmore from Hae Jong Seo1
191smonU.Student, PhDmore from smon1
192mingchingGE Global ResearchResearch Scientist, PhDmore from mingching1