

Location-aware Query Processing and Optimization

16 years 2 months ago
Location-aware Query Processing and Optimization
The wide spread use of cellular phones, handheld devices, and GPS-like technology enables location-aware environments where virtually all objects are aware of their locations. Location-aware environments are characterized by the large numbers of moving objects and moving queries (also known as spatio-temporal queries). Such environments call for new query processing techniques that deal with the continuous movement and frequent updates of both spatio-temporal objects and queries. The goal of this tutorial is to: (1) Give an in-depth view on supporting location-aware queries as an increasingly interesting area of research, (2) Present the state-of-the-art techniques for efficient handling of location-aware snapshot queries and location-aware continuous queries, (3) Motivate the need for integrating location-awareness as a new query processing and optimization dimension, and (4) Raise several research challenges that need to be addressed towards a true support for location-aware queries ...
Added 06 Dec 2008
Updated 08 Dec 2008
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