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Mohd Ashraf Ahmad

Universiti Malaysia Pahang
Mohd Ashraf Ahmad
Mohd Ashraf Ahmad is born at Colorado, United State of America in 1983. He received his first degree in B.Eng. Electrical Mechatronics in 2006 from University of Technology Malaysia (UTM) in Johor, Malaysia. In 2008, he received a Master degree in M.Eng. Mechatronics and Automatic Control from University of Technology Malaysia (UTM). He has an experience as a research assistant at Robotic Laboratory in University of Technology Malaysia (UTM) in 2005. As a research assistant, he has developed an experimental investigation for vibration control of flexible robot manipulator. Currently, he is a lecturer in Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP). He has currently published more than 50 paper works in various International Conference and has already published more than 10 Journals in the field of vibration control. The latest publications are: Active vibration suppression techniques of a very flexible robot manipulator (Int. J. Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 2(3), 2009); Hybrid Fuzzy Logic Control with Input Shaping for Input Tracking and Sway Suppression of a Gantry Crane System (American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol. 2(1), 2009). He also became a professional member in IEEE, IAENG, ICROS and ACA. His current research interests are vibration and sway control, input shaping, crane system and flexible robot manipulator.
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