Added |
16 Feb 2009 |
Updated |
16 Feb 2009 |
Authors |
Dave Shreiner, Mason Woo, Jackie Neider, Tom Davis |
Table of Content
Chapter 1. Introduction to OpenGL
Chapter 2. State Management and Drawing Geometric Objects
Chapter 3. Viewing
Chapter 4. Color
Chapter 5. Lighting
Chapter 6. Blending, Antialiasing, Fog, and Polygon Offset
Chapter 7. Display Lists
Chapter 8. Drawing Pixels, Bitmaps, Fonts, and Images
Chapter 9. Texture Mapping
Chapter 10. The Framebuffer
Chapter 11. Tessellators and Quadrics
Chapter 12. Evaluators and NURBS
Chapter 13. Selection and Feedback
Chapter 14. Now That You Know
Appendix A. Order of Operations
Appendix B. State Variables
Appendix C. WGL: OpenGL Extension for Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 95
Appendix D. Basics of GLUT: The OpenGL Utility Toolkit
Appendix E. Calculating Normal Vectors
Appendix F. Homogeneous Coordinates and Transformation Matrices
Appendix G. Programming Tips
Appendix H. OpenGL Invariance
Appendix I. Color Plates