

Performance analysis of greedy shapers in real-time systems

14 years 9 months ago
Performance analysis of greedy shapers in real-time systems
— Traffic shaping is a well-known technique in the area of networking and is proven to reduce global buffer requirements and end-to-end delays in networked systems. Due to these properties, shapers also play an increasingly important role in the design of multi-processor embedded systems that exhibit a considerable amount of on-chip traffic. Despite their growing importance in this area, no methods exist to analyze shapers in distributed embedded systems, and to incorporate them into a system-level performance analysis. Hence it is until now not possible to determine the effect of shapers to end-to-end delay guarantees or buffer requirements in these systems. In this work, we present a method to analyze greedy shapers, and we embed this analysis method into a well-established modular performance analysis framework. The presented approach enables system-level performance analysis of complete systems with greedy shapers, and we prove its applicability by analyzing two case study syst...
Ernesto Wandeler, Alexander Maxiaguine, Lothar Thi
Added 10 Jun 2010
Updated 10 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where DATE
Authors Ernesto Wandeler, Alexander Maxiaguine, Lothar Thiele
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