

Complex network topologies and synchronization

14 years 8 months ago
Complex network topologies and synchronization
Synchronization in networks with different topolo- is shown that for typical systems only three main scenarios gies is studied. We show that for a large class of oscillators there may arise as a function of coupling strength. Then, we study exist two classes of networks; class-A: networks for which the synchronization in complex networks topologies. Section III condition of stable synchronous state is 7uY2 > a, and class-B: synchronizationicopexsies.onnetworks for which this condition reads Y2 < b, where a idevoted to the analsis of synchronizaton properties of and b are constants that depend on local dynamics, synchronous networks whose topology is described by classical random state and the coupling matrix, but not on the Laplacian matrix networks. In Section IV we study synchronization properties of the graph describing the topology of the network. Here of power-law random graph models. We close our paper with 7Y = 0 < -Y2 < ... < 'YN are the eigenvalues of the L...
Paolo Checco, Mario Biey, Gábor Vattay, Lju
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Paolo Checco, Mario Biey, Gábor Vattay, Ljupco Kocarev
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