

Supporting nested transactional memory in logTM

14 years 6 months ago
Supporting nested transactional memory in logTM
Nested transactional memory (TM) facilitates software composition by letting one module invoke another without either knowing whether the other uses transactions. Closed nested transactions extend isolation of an inner transaction until the toplevel transaction commits. Implementations may flatten nested transactions into the top-level one, resulting in a complete abort on conflict, or allow partial abort of inner transactions. Open nested transactions allow a committing inner transaction to immediately release isolation, which increases parallelism and expressiveness at the cost of both software and hardware complexity. This paper extends the recently-proposed flat Log-based Transactional Memory (LogTM) with nested transactions. Flat LogTM saves pre-transaction values in a log, detects conflicts with read (R) and write (W) bits per cache block, and, on abort, invokes a software handler to unroll the log. Nested LogTM supports nesting by segmenting the log into a stack of activati...
Michelle J. Moravan, Jayaram Bobba, Kevin E. Moore
Added 13 Jun 2010
Updated 13 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Michelle J. Moravan, Jayaram Bobba, Kevin E. Moore, Luke Yen, Mark D. Hill, Ben Liblit, Michael M. Swift, David A. Wood
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