

Process variation aware cache leakage management

14 years 6 months ago
Process variation aware cache leakage management
In a few technology generations, limitations of fabrication processes will make accurate design time power estimates a daunting challenge. Static leakage current which comprises a significant fraction of total power due to large on-chip caches, is exponentially dependent on widely varying physical parameters such as gate length, gate oxide thickness, and dopant ion concentration. In large structures like onchip caches, this may mean that one portion of a cache may consume an order of magnitude larger static power than equivalently sized regions. Under this climate, egalitarian management of physical resources is clearly untenable. In this paper, we analyze the effects of within-die and die-to-die leakage variation for onchip caches. We then propose way prioritization, a manufacturing variation aware scheme that minimizes cache leakage energy. Our results show that significant average power reductions are possible without undue hardware complexity or performance compromise. Categori...
Ke Meng, Russ Joseph
Added 13 Jun 2010
Updated 13 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Ke Meng, Russ Joseph
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