

Sensor networks of freely drifting autonomous underwater explorers

14 years 9 months ago
Sensor networks of freely drifting autonomous underwater explorers
With the increasing sophistication of both manned and unmanned systems for remote ocean exploration, a wealth of knowledge about heretofore-unknown oceanic processes has become available. However, no technologies currently exist to observe organisms and processes without disturbing them, as they move with the natural motion of the oceans. We propose a new class of ocean sensing, whereby free-floating underwater devices operate autonomously and collaborate through an acoustic underwater network between them. This new class of sensing will provide a window into understanding the multifaceted interactions between the ocean’s currents, underwater ecosystems and our impact on them. In this paper, we will present the design of our underwater vehicle, which drifts freely with the ocean currents and is equipped with a buoyancy control piston. Results from sea tests illustrate the feasibility of our design, including its depth tracking abilities. Categories and Subject Descriptors J.2 Comput...
Jules Jaffe, Curt Schurgers
Added 14 Jun 2010
Updated 14 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Jules Jaffe, Curt Schurgers
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