

Restoration of Vertical Line Scratches with a Distributed Genetic Algorithm

14 years 6 months ago
Restoration of Vertical Line Scratches with a Distributed Genetic Algorithm
— This contribution approaches the problem of scratch restoration in old movies as a optimisation’s problem. The functional based on the statistical properties of the image around the scratch is optimised using an ad-hoc genetic algorithm. Given the large amount of the computational time needed by genetic algorithms, a network of standard workstations with heterogeneous operating systems has been used. Each workstation in the network works on each scratch to perform the restoration, and a specific machine works as root node with the task of distributing jobs on the network and adding the outputted restored scratches back into the image.
Francesco Isgrò, Domenico Tegolo
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where CAMP
Authors Francesco Isgrò, Domenico Tegolo
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