

Link scheduling in sensor networks: distributed edge coloring revisited

14 years 8 months ago
Link scheduling in sensor networks: distributed edge coloring revisited
— We consider the problem of link scheduling in a sensor network employing a TDMA MAC protocol. Our link scheduling algorithm involves two phases. In the first phase, we assign a color to each edge in the network such that no two edges incident on the same node are assigned the same color. We propose a distributed edge coloring algorithm that needs at most (δ+1) colors, where δ is the maximum degree of the graph. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first distributed algorithm that can edge color a graph with at most (δ +1) colors. In the second phase, we map each color to a unique timeslot and attempt to identify a direction of transmission along each edge such that the hidden terminal and the exposed terminal problems are avoided. Next, considering topologies for which a feasible solution does not exist, we obtain a direction of transmission for each edge using additional timeslots, if necessary. Finally, we show that reversing the direction of transmission along every ed...
Shashidhar Gandham, Milind Dawande, Ravi Prakash
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Shashidhar Gandham, Milind Dawande, Ravi Prakash
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