

Store Vulnerability Window (SVW): Re-Execution Filtering for Enhanced Load Optimization

14 years 8 months ago
Store Vulnerability Window (SVW): Re-Execution Filtering for Enhanced Load Optimization
The load-store unit is a performance critical component of a dynamically-scheduled processor. It is also a complex and non-scalable component. Several recently proposed techniques use some form of speculation to simplify the load-store unit and check this speculation by re-executing some of the loads prior to commit. We call such techniques load optimizations. One recent load optimization improves load queue (LQ) scalability by using re-execution rather than associative search to check speculative intra- and inter- thread memory ordering. A second technique improves store queue (SQ) scalability by speculatively filtering some load accesses and some store entries from it and re-executing loads to check that speculation. A third technique speculatively removes redundant loads from the execution engine; re-execution detects false eliminations. Unfortunately, the benefits of a load optimization are often mitigated by re-execution itself. Re-execution contends for cache bandwidth with st...
Amir Roth
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ISCA
Authors Amir Roth
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