

Skyline Query Processing for Incomplete Data

16 years 29 days ago
Skyline Query Processing for Incomplete Data
Recently, there has been much interest in processing skyline queries for various applications that include decision making, personalized services, and search pruning. Skyline queries aim to prune a search space of large numbers of multidimensional data items to a small set of interesting items by eliminating items that are dominated by others. Existing skyline algorithms assume that all dimensions are available for all data items. This paper goes beyond this restrictive assumption as we address the more practical case of involving incomplete data items (i.e., data items missing values in some of their dimensions). In contrast to the case of complete data where the dominance relation is transitive, incomplete data suffer from non-transitive dominance relation which may lead to a cyclic dominance behavior. We first propose two algorithms, namely, “Replacement” and “Bucket” that use traditional skyline algorithms for incomplete data. Then, we propose the “ISkyline” algorithm t...
Justin J. Levandoski, Mohamed E. Khalefa, Mohamed
Added 20 Dec 2008
Updated 20 Dec 2008
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ICDE
Authors Justin J. Levandoski, Mohamed E. Khalefa, Mohamed F. Mokbel
Comments (2)
explanation on skylinequery processing for incomplete data

Respected Sir,
                      I saw your base paper in net i inspired alot and, i
want to do it as my project work. I have some doubts in base paper they are

1) why slyline query processing for incomplete data is used only  for
values not for strings?
2) In your paper u used the terms skyline (how local skylines is
determining),explain clearly about candidate_skyline?
3) why we are going to bucket algorithm than replacement algorithm .
4) could you explain the thing in clear manner how the bucket,replacement
and Iskyline (virtual,shadow) algorithms work ?
                I heartfully requesting you to clarify these doubts
,kindly help me to complete my project.

                                                             Thanking yousir,

                                                                                       yours obediantly,

                                                                                      M.Hareesh Kumar

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MokbelITS.jpgDear Hareesh, Many thanks

Dear Hareesh,

Many thanks for your interest in the paper. I greatly appreciate if you can nail down your questions to specific points. Basically, the answer of your current questions is the whole paper.  I would suggest that you give a closer look to the paper and come down to more specific questions.


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