

Augmenting digital audio broadcast with rich data

14 years 8 months ago
Augmenting digital audio broadcast with rich data
HP Laboratories, GWR, Bristol University, ASL and Panasonic Semiconductor are collaborating to explore the potential of Digital Audio Broadcasting through a series of user trials. Our first iPAQ-based prototype allows listeners to GWR-Bristol to interact with a set of web pages broadcast alongside the digital audio stream and displayed on a small color display. In a handson study, typical GWR listeners responded very positively to the experience of viewing web pages on a visual radio. Local news, weather forecasts, event listings, and details of the last ten songs broadcast proved especially popular. In forthcoming experiments, we will begin to explore the additional value of a wireless backchannel enabling listeners to interact directly with the broadcaster. Categories and Subject Descriptors B4.1 [Input/Output and Data Communications]: Receivers, transmitter. H5.2 [User Interfaces]: GUI, Interaction styles, prototyping. Keywords Digital Audio Broadcast, Digital Entertainment, Visual...
Annelies de Bruine, Huw Jeffries, Erik Geelhoed, R
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Annelies de Bruine, Huw Jeffries, Erik Geelhoed, Richard Hull 0002, Nick Piggott
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