

Graceful service degradation (or, how to know your payment is late)

14 years 8 months ago
Graceful service degradation (or, how to know your payment is late)
When distributing digital content over a broadcast channel it’s often necessary to revoke users whose access privileges have expired, thus preventing them from recovering the content. This works well when users make a conscious decision to leave the system or have misbehaved, but numerous cases exist in which the revocation is in error and users are consequently left with the often onerous burden of getting reinstated. We introduce a gradual form of revocation that we call service degradation that enables the content distributor to provide “cues” to the user in the form of degraded system performance. The cues alert the user to their impending revocation and allow them to take the necessary action to remain in the system. Our protocols build on techniques for broadcast encryption and spam-fighting to provide the appropriate form of service for this previously ignored class of users. Categories and Subject Descriptors E.4 [Coding And Information Theory]: Formal methods of commun...
Alexandr Andoni, Jessica Staddon
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Alexandr Andoni, Jessica Staddon
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