

Optimal design of English auctions with discrete bid levels

14 years 8 months ago
Optimal design of English auctions with discrete bid levels
In this paper we consider a common form of the English auction that is widely used in online Internet auctions. This discrete bid auction requires that the bidders may only submit bids which meet some predetermined discrete bid levels and, thus, there exists a minimal increment with which a bidder may raise the current price. In contrast, the academic literature of optimal auction design deals almost solely with continuous bid auctions, and, as a result, there is little practical guidance as to how an auctioneer, who is seeking to maximise his revenue, should determine the number and value of these discrete bid levels. Consequently, in current online auctions, a fixed bid increment is commonly implemented, despite this having been shown to be optimal in only limited cases. Given this background, in this paper, our aim is to provide the optimal auction design for an English auction with discrete bid levels. To this end, we derive an expression that relates the expected revenue of the ...
Esther David, Alex Rogers, Jeremy Schiff, Sarit Kr
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Esther David, Alex Rogers, Jeremy Schiff, Sarit Kraus, Nicholas R. Jennings
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