

Towards using online portfolios in computing courses

14 years 8 months ago
Towards using online portfolios in computing courses
The direct experience we had with teaching a summer pre-college computing course in which we adopted an online portfolio approach has led us to consider the use of online portfolios in our regular computer science undergraduate courses. The technical challenges we foresee include: the necessary support from the college’s IT department; the use of Microsoft-based web authoring technologies vs. the use of Open Source / freeware counterparts; the need for adequate technical knowledge on the part of our faculty; the need for server-side hardware and software resources. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.2.6 [Programming Environments]: Integrated environments, Interactive Environments. I.7.2 [Document Preparation]: Hypertext/hypermedia, Markup languages, Multi/mixed media. K.3.2 [Computer and Information Science Education]: Computer science education, Curriculum, Selfassessment. K.8.1 [Application Packages]: Freeware/shareware. General Terms Documentation, Management, Performance, Huma...
Bryan Higgs, Mihaela Sabin
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Bryan Higgs, Mihaela Sabin
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